
信&朗普创建于1998年,拥有十多年大型国际**会展的组织经验,是国际公认的**会议组织者和**展览组织者,也是国内外行业协会值得信任的合作伙伴,被评为"2014年度中国****组展商”。世信&朗普实行董事会**下的总经理负责制,下设国际部、策划部、信息部、论坛组织部、观众组织部、办公室以及五个展览业务部。世信&朗普现有员工一百多名,员工平均年龄在28岁以下,是一批既充满活力且具备**精神,又精通国际展览市场运作的高素质、国际化团队,我们坚信良好的人力资源配置必定能为广大客户提供更加**和更加有效的商业服务,为广大客户开拓市场、巩固业务和降低成本打下坚实基础。 世信&朗普秉承"大规模、高规格、高参展回报率"的办会宗旨和理念,充分利用国内外展会资源,通过**展会、商贸活动、B2B网站、行业期刊、综合数据库、**及媒体关系为客户提供*服务和个性化解决方案,致力于把目前已有**效应和上升潜力的展览会精心打造成具有中国特色的国际高端展览会**,进军世界展会舞台。 世信&朗普拥有丰富的国内外展会资源,与地区部委、省市有关部门及国内外各行业协会、学会、媒体保持良好的关系。为配合业务的迅速发展及日益频繁的商业活动需求,我们还在**(包括日本、韩国、新加坡、印度、巴基斯坦、澳大利亚、意大利、西班牙、德国、英国等地区)建立代理服务网络,以提供快捷和尽善尽美的服务。 

      Shixin Lamp was founded in 1998. It plays the role of providing a common platform to the exhibition industry. We provide a number of services for enterprise solutions, and have been referred to as the premier professional conference and exhibition organizers among the same industry both at home and abroad. We are the domestic and international industry associations trusted partners. In 2014,our company has been awarded “China 2014 Top 10 Brand Exhibition Organizers“.Shixin&lamp is consist of Shixin Lamp International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing lamp and Xi'an Qu Jiang Shixin Xinghua Exhibition Co., Ltd and Inner Mongolia Shixin Energy Industry Conference and Exhibition Co., Ltd. The exhibitions organized by Shixin mainly locate in 6 cities, Beijing, Xi'an, Hohhot, Ordos, Yulin and Yinchuan. So far, Shixin Lamp’s influences are all over Beijing, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Guangdong, Henan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Shanxi, Jiangsu and other provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, with more than a dozen large-scale international exhibitions and professional conferences brands, conferences, forums and business project promotion and other business activities. We have organized business delegations to visit several countries for business visits, successfully expand to the international market, effectively promoted the rapid and healthy development of enterprises.  

企业经济性质: 有限责任公司
企业类型: 商业服务
公司注册地: 北京
注册资金: 人民币 250 - 500 万元
成立时间: 1998年
员工人数: 101 - 500 人
年出口额: 人民币 500 - 1000 万元
是否提供OEM代加工: 否
主营产品或服务: 农业博览会、农资逆向**对接展、农资展、肥料展会、农药展会、智慧农业展会、农业机械装备展会、农产品交易会、农业技术交流高峰论坛、农药肥料行业交流论坛